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Thank Tsadra Foundation (tsadra.org) for beautiful interview.
Tsadra Foundation Media Channel: Youtube
Audio: Download or Archive.org
1. On the Roots of Tathāgatagarbha and His Position on the Concept
2. On the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana
3. On Yogachara, Shamatha and Vipashyana, and Tathāgatagarbha as Skillful Means
4. On the Nature of Mind in Yogachara
5. On How He Came to Study the Yogachara Tradition
Rok: 2021
Místo: Tsadra Foundation, USA
Téma: awakening of faith in the mahayana, nature of mind, tathagatagarbha, yogacara
Video: YouTube
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Rok: 2021
Místo: Tsadra Foundation, USA
Téma: awakening of faith in the mahayana, nature of mind, tathagatagarbha, yogacara