Understanding Our Mind: 50 Verses on Buddhist Psychology

Based on the fifty verses on the nature of consciousness taken from the great fifth-century Buddhist master Vasubandhu and the teachings of the Avatamsaka Sutra, Thich Nhat Hanh focuses on the direct experience of recognizing, embracing, and looking deeply into the nature of our feelings and perceptions.

Presenting the basic teachings of Buddhist applied psychology, Understanding Our Mind shows us how our mind is like a field, where every kind of seed is planted—seeds of suffering, anger, happiness, and peace. The quality of our life depends on the quality of the seeds in our mind. If we know how to water seeds of joy and transform seeds of suffering, then understanding, love, and compassion will flower. Vietnamese Zen Master Thuong Chieu said, “When we understand how our mind works, the practice becomes easy.”

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Our-Mind-Buddhist-Psychology/dp/1888375302

Šántidéva – Uvedení na cestu k probuzení

ze sanskrtského originálu přeložil bhiku Dhammadípa


Vydavatelství:  DharmaGaia (www.dharmagaia.cz)

Rok vydání: 2000

Počet stran: 295


Indický buddhistický filosof a básník Šántidéva (8. století), jenž působil na slavné buddhistické universitě Nálanda, je považován za jednoho z nejvlivnějších myslitelů filosofické školy madhjamaka. V Tibetu je dodnes uctíván jako mahájánový světec a tantrický siddha

Jeho didaktická báseň Bódhičarjávatára (Uvedení na cestu k probuzení) představuje jeden z nejdůležitějších a nejpřekládanějších textů o teorii a praxi mahájánového buddhismu. V Tibetu se tato kniha během času stala standardní učebnicí s detailními instrukcemi pro altruistickou praxi bódhisattvy, především rozvoje probuzené mysli (bódhičitta). Rovněž současný 14. dalajlama tento text komentoval, často ho používá při výkladu nauky a hojně z něj cituje.

Kniha vychází s rozsáhlým komentářem překladatele, českého buddhistického mnicha Dhammadípy. Úvodní studii o autorovi a o mahájánovém buddhismu napsal anglický buddholog Paul Williams, doslov Jiří Holba.

ISBN: 80-85905-15-9

Všeobecný úvod: Šántidéva a jeho svět
Pŕedmluva překladatele
1. Chvála vůle k probuzení
2 Doznání zlých skutků
3. Osvojení probuzené mysli
4. Péče o probuzenou mysl
5. Zachování moudré duchapřítomnosti
6. Dokonalá trpělivost
7.Dokonalé úsilí
8. Dokonalé pohroužení
9. Dokonalé poznání
10. Věnování zásluh všem bytostem, aby dosáhly probuzení
Komentář neboli průvodce textem
Doslov editora


Prayers & Recitations
in Pāli, Sanskrit, Chinese & English

prepared by the International Buddhist Academy

download: here

Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time

by Nyanaponika Thera, edited with an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi

In this book of groundbreaking essays, Venerable Nyanaponika Thera, one of our age’s foremost exponents of Theravada Buddhism, attempts to penetrate beneath the formidable face of the Abhidhamma and to make its principles intelligible to the thoughtful reader of today. His point of focus is the Consciousness Chapter of the Dhammasangani, the first treatise of the Abhidhamma Pitaka. Basing his interpretation on the detailed list of mental factors that the Abhidhamma uses as a guide to psychological analysis, he launches into bold explorations in the multiple dimensions of conditionality, the nature of consciousness, the temporality of experience, and the psychological springs of spiritual transformation. Innovative and rich in insights, this book does not merely open up new avenues in the academic study of early Buddhism. By treating the Abhidhamma as a fountainhead of inspiration for philosophical and psychological inquiry, it demonstrates the continuing relevance of Buddhist thought to our most astute contemporary efforts to understand the elusive yet so intimate nature of the mind.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Abhidhamma-Studies-Buddhist-Explorations-Consciousness/dp/0861711351

Pdf: https://www.bps.lk/olib/bp/bp303s_Nyanaponika_Abhidhamma-Studies.pdf

Buddha Nature (SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies)

This volume presents the first book-length study in English of the concept of Buddha nature as discussed in the Buddha Nature Treatise (Fo Xing Lun), attributed to Vasubandhu and translated into Chinese by Paramartha in the sixth century. The author provides a detailed discussion of one of the most important concepts in East Asian Buddhism, a topic little addressed in Western studies of Buddhism until now, and places the Buddha nature concept in the context of Buddhist intellectual history. King then carefully explains the traditional Buddhist language in the text, and embeds Buddha nature in a family of concepts and values which as a group are foundational to the development of the major indigenous schools of Chinese Buddhism. In addition, she refutes the accusations that the idea of Buddha nature introduces a crypto-Atman into Buddhist thought, and that it represents a form of monism akin to the Brahmanism of the Upanisads. In doing this, King defends Buddha nature in terms of purely Buddhist philosophical principles. Finally, the author engages the Buddha nature concept in dialogue with Western philosophy by asking what it teaches us about what a human being, or person, is.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Buddha-Nature-SUNY-Buddhist-Studies/dp/0791404285