New recordings

06.02. 2020

An introduction into the Abhidharma study

We would like to draw your attention to the great lectures given by Bhante at the University of Hong Kong. Bhante lectured in English. The University of Hong Kong was so kind to share it with us:

2020 An introduction into the Abhidharma study

Danke schon Jelena for new recordings of Bhante’s dhamma talks:

2019 The four elements meditation (in English)

2019 International Buddhist Academy (in English, first two lectures were also intepreted into Chinese)

2017 The four elements meditation (in English)

2010 Samatha and Paramitas, 4 Weeks Retreat in China (in English)

2017 Retreat Amitayus (in German)

2016 Retreat Pauenhof (in German)

There are also new video recordings of Bhante’s lectures. Video links are in a description page:

Tsz Shan monastery: 2020 The Wonders of Metta – 慈愛的奇蹟 (Bhante lectured in English, video has Chinese subtitles)

HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies and Tung Lin Kok Yuen: 2020 Importance of Theory for Practice that Liberates the Mind (in English, there is also link for the video)