Karma yoga at Shanta Vana

Dear firends,

our group at Shanta Vana will have a karma yoga on the weekends listed below. The meetings are without a teacher. You are welcome to come and meet our group. Please write to dhammadipa.cz@gmail.com for more information.

7.24.- 26. – karma yoga
8.07 – 09. – karma yoga
8.21.- 23. – karma yoga

New recordings

An introduction into the Abhidharma study

We would like to draw your attention to the great lectures given by Bhante at the University of Hong Kong. Bhante lectured in English. The University of Hong Kong was so kind to share it with us:

2020 An introduction into the Abhidharma study

Danke schon Jelena for new recordings of Bhante’s dhamma talks:

2019 The four elements meditation (in English)

2019 International Buddhist Academy (in English, first two lectures were also intepreted into Chinese)

2017 The four elements meditation (in English)

2010 Samatha and Paramitas, 4 Weeks Retreat in China (in English)

2017 Retreat Amitayus (in German)

2016 Retreat Pauenhof (in German)

There are also new video recordings of Bhante’s lectures. Video links are in a description page:

Tsz Shan monastery: 2020 The Wonders of Metta – 慈愛的奇蹟 (Bhante lectured in English, video has Chinese subtitles)

HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies and Tung Lin Kok Yuen: 2020 Importance of Theory for Practice that Liberates the Mind (in English, there is also link for the video)

A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma

by Bhikkhu Bodhi and Mahāthera Nārada

This modern translation of the Abhidhammattha Sangaha (Manual of Abhidhamma) offers an introduction to Buddhism’s fundamental philosophical psychology. Originally written in the 11th or 12th century, the Sangaha has served as the key to wisdom held in the Abhidhamma. Concisely surveyed are Abhidhamma’s central themes, including states of consciousness and mental factors, the functions and processes of the mind, the material world, dependent arising, and the methods and stages of meditation. This presents an exact translation of the Sangaha alongside the original Pali text. A detailed, explanatory guide with more than 40 charts and tables lead readers through the complexities of Adhidhamma.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Comprehensive-Manual-Abhidhamma-Abhidhammattha-Anuruddha/dp/1681723182/

Pdf: https://www.saraniya.com/books/meditation/Bhikkhu_Bodhi-Comprehensive_Manual_of_Abhidhamma.pdf

Dear Supporters of the Dhammadipa Foundation

Dear Supporters of the Dhammadipa Foundation,

allow us to thank you most sincerely for your contributions and donations, even though we know that you do not expect our thanks, that the impetus for your activities is a selfless desire to contribute to the creation of favorable conditions of Being.

The program of Dhammadipa Foundation is to create a meditation center Shanta Vana (the forest of tranquility) whose visitors would learn to understand the transcendence of this world and the resulting laws, and thus the possibilities to help.

Thanks to the donors who accepted this goal of the Foundation for their own. Two houses (upper cottage and former forestry) and a plot for a meditation garden intended for the construction of a new meditation hall were obtained. Both houses have been renovated and equipped for accommodation. However, it is only possible to use rainwater in the former forestry – the drinking water well will be realized in the middle of the year. The cultivation of houses surroundings and gardens is in the final stage.

In addition to your donations, the Foundation also seeks support from state in the field of the environment. The project ‘Planting trees’ has already been completed – within the framework of the action ‘We plant 10 million trees’. Applications were also made under the Landscape Management Program and the Rainwater Program (rainwater accumulation for garden watering).

We will continue to raise funds not only from you but also from the state support.

Construction of the hall, borehole for drinking water incl. matching accessories, wood storage shed, sewage treatment plant, other Santa Vana equipment – all of this is yet to come.

Dear donors,

Thanks again for your generosity! We continue to rely on your support! We hope to meet you at Shanta Vana soon!


Chinese medicine, herbs, excercise

Thank you our friend Tzuyi Hsu (Shinko), who stayed in Shanta Vana for a long time and taught us qiqong at Bhante courses. She has been studying Chinese medicine and other healing modalities for many years. Now we are happy to share with you a link to the Facebook page where she posts information that may help us to walk on the spiritual path.

Facebook page: