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Theme: Awakening Faith in the Mahayana (Mahāyāna śraddhotpādaśāstra)
Organizer: Indonesian Chan Community
Date: 21th April – the lecture series is still ongoing
Video: Indonesian Chan Community
Audio: Download or Archive.org
We thank Indonesian Chan Community for the organizing these lectures, for their kindness and for sharing these great lectures.
You can always find the latest recordings on YouTube channel playlist. We update the audio recordings here form the YouTube channel.
The lectures are still ongoing. Bhante is planning a longer series. The next lecture is on Saturday, 19:30 Jakarta time (13:30 CET).
Zoom link:
ID Rapat: 864 3073 2068
Hereby, the participants in the series of lectures concerning the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana are kindly requested to support the teacher, Thomas Dhammadipa, by making voluntary donations to support his Dharma activities and daily expenses. Donations can be forwarded to his bank account:
Account number: 2113748014/2700
IBAN: CZ6627000000002113748014
Account number: 2113748030/2700
IBAN: CZ2227000000002113748030
Beneficiary name: Tomas Gutmann
Address: Bobov 676, Mala Skala 46822, Czech Republic
Bank name: UniCredit
Bank address: Náměstí Republiky 3a, 1110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic