27.12. – 12.1. 2020TAIWAN, more information here.

10.12. 2019 – Prague, CZECH – Tibet Open House

       – Venerable Dhammadipa will have a lecture on the theme «Unity in harmony – mutual harmony between Buddhist traditions».

       – The teaching will be in Czech language. More here.

21. – 31.10. – Mumbai, INDIA – Somaya University, Buddhist department

      – An intensive course for students and guest on the subject Abhidhammathasangaha. 

09. – 16.10. – Bir, INDIA – Deer Park Institute

     – Meditation on 4 elements according to the tradition of Yogacara   

     – Bhante will lecture in English language

     – More info and contact: deerpark.in/schedule2/

27.09. – 05.10. – Bir, INDIA – Deer Park Institute

     – Breath meditation according Chinese tradition «Tian Tai»      – Bhante will lecture in English language      – More info and contact: deerpark.in/schedule1/

09. – 16.08. – Kathmandu, NEPAL –  International Buddhist Academy

      – meditation samatha

      – Bhante will lecture in English language

14. – 21.07. – Shanta Vana, CZECH

      – Samatha meditation + interpretation of the 6th chapter  just published Bhante’s translation of Sandhinirmochana Sutra.

      – Bhante will lecture in Czech language

      – More info and contact: www.dhammadipa.cz/news

05. – 10.07. – GERMANY – Amitayus Zentrum

      – Samatha meditation

      – Bhante will lecture in German language

      – More info and contact: www.amitayus.net

 23. – 27.5. – Zaježová, SLOVAKIA Vzdělávací centrum Zaježová

      – Bhante will lecture in Czech language

28.4. – 05.05. – Avila, SPAIN

    – the subject of the course: Emotions as a means to reduce the affliction

    – Bhante will lecture in English, interpretation into Spanish

    – More info and contact: nirakara.org

03.15. – 03.30PERU
    – topic: mindfulness
03.15. – 03.17.Trujillo
03.21. – 03.24.Lima
03.29. – 03.31. Cusco
 Further info: Leaflet 1 , Leaflet 2
                     Contact: neurociencias.contemplativas@gmail.com
                     Bhante will lecture in English, interpretation into Spanish

02.09. – 03.10.BRAZIL
02.09. – 02.10.Weekend workshop in Sao Paulo/SP: “The essence of meditation for serenity and insight”
02.15. – 02.17.Retreat in Vitoria/ES: «The Divine Abidings: metta, karuna; mudita and upekkha, in the quest for liberation»
02.23.       One day workshop on metta for Mindfulness students in Belo Horizonte/MG
02.24. – 02.28.Nalandarama: Students interested in self-retreat with some guidance are welcomed.
03.01. – 03.10.9 days retreat in Nalandarama Retea Center (40 minutes from Belo Horizonte/MG): “Foundations of Mindfulness according to the North  Buddhism perspective».
Further info: nalanda.org.br/agenda-2010/dhammadipa
                     Contact: nalanda@nalanda.org.br
                     Bhante will lecture in English, interpretation into Portuguese

We are sorry, we have no details about the courses in the USA:

01.31. – 02.06. 2019 –  FL, USA

01.24. – 01.31. 2019 – CO, USA

12.27 2018 – 01.24. 2019 – CA, USA

Více zde: https://www.dhammadipa.cz/en/events/archive/