Samathá a kultivování brahmavihár

Téma: Samathá a kultivování brahmavihár
Místo: Lotus, Sněhov
Datum: 5.5. a 7.-13.5. 2012

Nahrávka: stáhnout nebo

Název nahrávky
01 Úvodní přednáška – Lotus – Vessakh 2012
02 Pondělí – Úvod a Mettá
03 Úterý dopoledne – Mettá
04 Úterý večer – Mettá
05 Středa dopoledne – Mettá
06 Středa odpoledne – Mettá
07 Středa večer – Mettá
08 Čtvrtek dopoledne – Karuna
09 Čtvrtek večer – Karuná
10 Pátek ráno – Muditá
11 Pátek dopoledne – Muditá
12 Pátek večer – Muditá
13 Sobota dopoledne – Upekkhá
14 Sobota večer – Upekkhá
15 Neděle – závěr
Karaniya Metta Sutta 2
Karaniya Metta Sutta
Metta Anisansa Sutta z Anguttara-nikája
Předání zásluh

The Third Turning of the Wheel: Wisdom of the Samdhinirmocana Sutra

In his previous book, Being Upright: Zen Meditation and the Bodhisattva Precepts, Reb Anderson Roshi described how we must become thoroughly grounded in conventional truth through the practice of compassion before we can receive the teachings of the ultimate truth. In The Third Turning of the Wheel, he introduces us to the next stage of our journey by invoking the wisdom of the Samdhinirmocana Sutra.


Úvod do Vyvstání víry v Mahajánu

Téma: Úvod do Vyvstání víry v Mahajánu
Místo: Praha
Datum: 16.10. 2010

Nahrávka: stáhnout nebo
Pozn.: velký šum

Název nahrávky Tradice Objekt Téma
Vysvětlení 8 druhů vědomí severní mysl druhy vědomí
Mysl objekt utišení i moudrosti severní mysl utišení

The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation

“The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation” is a classic Buddhist meditation instruction manual deeply rooted in the Indian Buddhist “calming-and-insight” meditation tradition. Within its tradition, it is the universally-acknowledged standard beginning-to-intermediate meditation manual, one which offers perhaps the most reliable, comprehensive, and practically-useful Buddhist meditation instruction currently available in English. The author of “The Essentials” is the sixth-century monk and meditation master, Shramana Zhiyi (Chih-i), one of the most illustrious figures in the history of Chinese Buddhism. Master Zhiyi is famous for his role in the founding of the Tiantai teachings lineage and for his authorship of a quartet of meditation manuals of which this is one. The translator of this volume is the American monk, Bhikshu Dharmamitra, a translator of numerous classic works from the Indian and Chinese Buddhist traditions.


The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime

“The Six Gates to the Sublime” is a classic Buddhist meditation instruction manual explaining the six practices crucial to success in traditional Indian Buddhist breath-focused (anapana) meditation and calming-and-insight (samatha-vipasyana) meditation. Correctly implemented, these six “gates” lead the meditator to realization of the fourth of the four truths (cessation), of which the “sublimity” referenced in the title is one of the four canonically-described practice aspects. This classic was written by the sixth-century monk and meditation master, Shramana Zhiyi (Chih-i), one of the most illustrious figures in the history of Chinese Buddhism. Master Zhiyi is famous for his role in the founding of the Tiantai teachings lineage and for his authorship of a quartet of meditation manuals of which this is one. The translator of this volume is the American monk, Bhikshu Dharmamitra, a translator of numerous classic works from the Indian and Chinese Buddhist traditions.
